TGP West, Coastal Valley
TGP West, Central Valley

Lean Burn Electric Carburetor

CONTINENTAL CONTROLS LEAN BURN TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONIC CARBURETOR TGP West, Inc. is the distributor for the San Juaquin Valley, Sacramento Valley and the Central Coast Area. Natural Gas or Propane engines retrofitted with Continental Control/Lean Burn Technology will see these advantages:

1. CC will save you money by using less fuel.

2. CC qualifies for efficiency rebates from SOCAL through “BEEP”.

3. CC will pay for itself; the engine saves money everyday it is used.

4. CC will reduce exhaust temperatures.

5. CC systems help meet SQAPD AB 4702.

6. Continental Controls Technology with 70% reduction in NOX allows for limited emission test and compliance with AMQD in your district.


For more information about our products or services please contact us.

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Continental Controls

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